The MiTSoPro Team disseminated the research results of the ERC-funded project “Migration and Transnational Social Protection in post-crisis Europe” (MiTSoPro) in a hybrid conference entiteled “Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond Public Policies and Migrant Practices” at the University of Liège on the 4th of October 2022.
Jean-Michel Lafleur and Daniela Vintila presented a paper entitled “Migrants’ Access to Social Protection Across the EU: Between Policy Covergence and Practices of Exclusion” at the “Welfare and Human Mobility in Europe” Conference at the University of Basel.
Alexandra Voivozeanu presented her paper “Welfare brokers and EU Free Movers’ Access to European Social Citizenship” at the Conference Social Inequalities and Quality of Life, Online, 15-19 November 2021
Félicien de Heusch, Carole Wenger and Jean-Michel Lafleur presented their paper « Vers un (dés)engagement pour le “droit au rapatriements des corps” : migrants, sénégalais, tunisiens et États d’origine pendant la pandémie », XVIIIème Congrès International de l’ARIC, Université Côte D’Azur, Nice, 26-29 October 2021.
Alexandra Voivozeanu presented her paper “Welfare brokers and EU free movers’ access to European social citizenship” at the 2021 Annual Conference of the Romanian Network for Migration Studies, Online, 23-24 September.
Alexandra Voivozeanu gave a presentation entitled “Welfare intermediaries and Romanian’s access to social benefits in Germany” at the workshop “Das halt hier Tradition: Zu den Bedigungen migrantischer Beschäftigter (EU) in Thüringen, organized by Fäire Mobilität Thüringen, Online, 14-15 September 2021.
Alexandra Voivozeanu presented her paper “Welfare Brokerage and EU Free Movers’ Access to Social Citizenship” at the
Carole Wenger presented her book chapter “Chez-soi pour procréer : l’exemple des « retours reproductifs » des tunisiens résidents à l’étranger” at the
Angeliki Konstantinidou was elected secretary of the
Carole Wenger presented her paper “Transnational healthcare arrangements of Tunisian migrants in Europe: Diasporic medical returns and community-based responses during the pandemic” at the 2021 IMISCOE annual conference, 7-9 July 2021, online
Angeliki Konstantinidou participated at the workshop “The Social Rights of Emigrants and Immigrants in European Welfare States” during the
Angeliki Konstantinidou chaired the panel “Mobility and Welfare Responses in Times of COVID-19” at the 2021 ECPR General Conference, Online, 30 August-3 September 2021.
Félicien de Heusch, Carole Wenger & Jean-Michel Lafleur presented their paper “Un droit au rapatriement de dépouilles? Une comparaison de l’engagement transnational des États et migrants sénégalais et tunisiens autour de la mort” at the workshop organized by the Chaire des diasporas Africaines-Sciences-Po Bordeaux : “Vieillir et mourir en diaspora”, 29.04 2021, online.
Daniela Vintila presented her work on the political participation of mobile EU citizens in Belgium during the Roundtable “Participation politique des citoyens mobiles de l’UE: freins et solutions” organised by the PRODEMO project, 28.04.2021.
Daniela Vintila co-chaired the Section “Superdiversité et politiques migratoires: les facteurs de continuité et de changement” during the 9ème Congrès Conjoint des Associations Francophones de Science Politique (CoSPoF).
Félicien de Heusch presented his thesis related book chapter “Mor n’est pas mort : Mobilisations politiques autour de la mort violente de migrants sénégalais” at the conference organized by the MECMI-Université Paris Nanterre/Université du Québec à Montréal “Les futurs rêvés des morts” 3-4 May 2021, online.
Félicien de Heusch presented his work on “Transnational Engagements Around Senegalese Migrants’ Deaths” at the “Thanathic Ethics” Workshop “
Daniela Vintila, Jean-Michel Lafleur and Angeliki Konstantinidou participated in the NCCR- On the Move Workshop “The Mobility Challenge to Welfare: Historical and Comparative Insights from Europe”, 25 & 28-29 January 2021. Daniela Vintila and Angeliki Konstantinidou presented their paper “Protecting the Welfare Rights of Third-Country Nationals across EU-27: What Kind of Social Protection Coverage via Bilateral Social Security Agreements?”
Daniela Vintila was elected chair of the ECPR Standing Group Migration and Ethnicity.
Angeliki Konstantinidou was elected co-convenor of the ECPR Standing Group Migration and Ethnicity.
Daniela Vintila became the co-chair of the Working Group “Migration, diversité culturelle et politique” of the Belgian Association of Political Science (ABSP).
Carole Wenger presented her work on “Transnational healthcare practices between Tunisia and Europe” at the EuroMedMig National Workshop, “When Western Mediterranean migration Turns into Diasporas: Migration Dynamics, Collective Action and State Responses”, 5.11.2020, online.
6.10.2020Daniela Vintila participated in the organization of the Inaugural Workshop of the IMISCOE Standing Committee Migration, Citizenship and Political Participation (MIGCITPOL), online, October 2020. She also chaired the Panel “Access to Rights and Citizenship: Policies and Effects” (05.10.2020) and presented a paper (with Jean-Michel Lafleur) on “Immigrant Status and Access to Welfare”.
Daniela Vintila received the Award “Top 100 Romanians abroad” of the RePatriot project for the Romanian diaspora
Daniela Vintila and Angeliki Konstantinidou chaired the Section “International Migration Policies and Politics: Current Challenges and Opportunities” at the 2020 ECPR Conference, online, 24-28 August 2020. Daniela Vintila also chaired the panel “New Dynamics of Immigrants’ Political Engagement”, while Angeliki Konstantinidou chaired the Panel “Transnational Social Protection: Countries’ Policies and Migrants’ Practices in the EU”.
Daniela Vintila presented her work on “Protecting the diaspora? Covid-19 and the emergency policy measures of European countries for their citizens residing abroad” during the Lecture Series “Migration and Corona” organised in the framework of the UNIC network, 24.06.2020.
Angeliki Konstantinidou chaired the panel “Migration, Citizenship, and Political Participation-Session1” at the 2020 IMISCOE Conference, 1-2 July 2020, online.
Carole Wenger chaired the panel “Transnational social protection policies and practices (Part II): actors, strategies, and policy outcomes” at the 2020 IMISCOE Conference, 1 – 2 July 2020, online.
Daniela Vintila chaired the Panels “Transnational political mobilisation: linking diaspora’s electoral leverage, homeland political responsiveness and processes of democratic diffusion” and “Transnational social protection policies and practices (Part I) (with Carole Wenger) at the 2020 IMISCOE Conference, 1-2 July 2020, online.
Félicien de Heusch presented his paper “Understanding Senegalese migrants’ transnational engagement through body repatriation practices” at the 17th IMISCOE Annual Conference, 1-2 July 2020, online.
Daniela Vintila and Jean-Michel Lafleur presented their work on “Migration and access to welfare in Belgium and other EU Member States” at the Conference Belgium: The State of the Federation, 19.12. 2019, Brussels.
The MiTSoPro team in collaboration with CEDEM organised the MiTSoPro-CEDEM seminar series “Current Debates in Migration and Ethnic Studies: Mobility and Social Protection” with F. Corti (University of Milano), Angie Gago (University of Lausanne), and Sophie Andreetta (Max Plank Institute & ULiege), 26.11.2019 & 2-3.12.2019, Liege-Belgium.
Daniela Vintila and Jean-Michel Lafleur presented their work on “Migration and social protection in Europe”, at the ULB- University of Manchester Workshop: New Obstacles to Migrations and New Tactics of Migrants in Europe, 29.11.2019, Brussels, Belgium. At the same event, Angeliki Konstantinidou presented her thesis related paper “The external dimension of social protection: EU nationals’ access to social protection in third countries”
Daniela Vintila and Angeliki Konstantinidou participated as country experts for Belgium for the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX).
Daniela Vintila presenter her work with Jean-Michel Lafleur on “Migration and social protection in Europe: comparing consular services and diaspora policies” at the International Workshop Central European Diasporas in Western Europe, 6.11.2019, Warsaw.
CEDEM in the framework of the MiTSoPro project organized the seminar “Transforming the Social Contract: a Comparative Look at Transnational Social Protection” with Prof Peggy Levitt (Wellesley College), 14.10.2019, Liege-Belgium
Daniela Vintila presented her work on “The value of citizenship in access to social protection: conceptual and methodological challenges” at the 2019 GLOBALCIT Conference, 21-22 November, Florence.
Daniela Vintila, Angeliki Konstantinidou and Carole Wenger participated on the NCCR-On the Move Roundtable “Social Protection across Borders”, Neuchâtel-Switzerland, 12-13. September 2019.
Daniela Vintila chaired the Section “International migration from a comparative perspective: policies, practices and outcomes” at the 2019 ECPR Conference, Wroclow, 4-6 September 2019. She will also chaired the panels “Migration and electoral politics in Europe and beyond” and “Migrants’ political mobilization in home and host countries”.
Jean-Michel Lafleur gave a lecture entitled “Migrants’ Contributions to the Home and Host Societies” at the Closing of the HOME project at Caritas International, Brussels.
Angeliki Konstantinidou chaired the panel “International Mobility and Social Protection in Europe” at the 2019 ECPR Conference, Wroclow-Poland, 4-6 September 2019.
Carole Wenger presented her paper “Women migrants’ transnational practices around healthcare: the interplay between social remittances, family ties and health” at the 2019 IMISCOE annual conference in Malmö, Sweden. 26-28 June 2019.
Félicien de Heusch presented his paper “Transnational relationships of solidarity by Senegalese Migrants around Death: A Multi-Sited Ethnography in Belgium Spain and Senegal” at the 16th IMISCOE Annual Conference. 26-28 June 2019. Malmö, Sweden.
Daniela Vintila chaired the panel “Migration, citizenship and electoral politics: evaluating migrants’ political engagement in home and host countries at the 2019 IMISCOE Annual Conference, Malmo, 26-28 June 2019. Together with Jean-Michel Lafleur, she also participated in the Workshop “Migration and Welfare: A dialogue on collecting and sharing data between ongoing research projects” and presented their paper “Comparing social entitlements for immigrants and emigrants across the EU”.
Daniela Vintila presented her work on Migration and access to welfare benefits: conceptual and methodological challenges at the 26th CES International Conference of Europeanists, 22 June 2019, Madrid.
In the framework of the “MiTSoPro-CEDEM Seminars”, two internal seminars were organised, one on 28/03/2019 with Roberta Perna (IPP-CSIC) and Sorina Soare (University of Florence); and one on 16/05/2019 with Djordje Sredanovic (University of Machester-ULB) and Samuel D. Schmid (EUI), in Liege-Belgium.
Jean-Michel Lafleur and Daniela Vintila chaired the Workshop “Migrants’ Access to Welfare in Times of Crisis: Policy Transformations and Migrants’ Experiences in the EU” at the 2019 ECPR Joint Sessions, UCL Mons, 8-12 April 2019.
Angeliki Konstantinidou presented her work on “The external dimension of social protection: EU nationals’ access to social protection in third countries” at the Workshop “Migrants’ Access to Welfare in Times of Crisis: Policy Transformations and Migrants’ Experiences in the EU” at the 2019 ECPR Joint Sessions, UCL Mons, 8-12 April 2019, Mons, Belgium.
Jean-Michel Lafleur presented results of the MiTSoPro project at the IEMED Barcelona in a lecture entitled: “Transformaciones en el acceso de los inmigrantes a la protección social”, 21.03.2019, Barcelona, Spain.
The ERC-funded project MiTSoPro in collaboration with IMISCOE, organised the 2019 IMISCOE Spring Conference “Migration and Social Protection in the European Union: Public Policies, Migrant Practices and the Politics of Welfare”, 27.02-01.03.2010, Liege-Belgium.
The MiTSoPro project organised the research workshop “Dealing with Ethics in Social Science: Research Workshop”, 15/02/2019, Liège, Belgium. Félicien de Heusch & Stefan Lipan presented their paper “L’éthique au bureau et l’éthique en pratique : Expériences de décalage en travail de terrain prospectif ”, while Carole Wenger presented the ethical challenges related to her thesis.
Daniela Vintila was awarded, in January 2019, the Special Mention for Academic Excellence Abroad (postdoctoral level in Europe) of the League of Romanian Students Abroad (LSRS).
Félicien de Heusch & Stefan Lipan presented their paper “How ethical concerns structure the research before fieldwork” at the GRITIM-UPF Research workshop. “The Practice of Qualitative Research in Migration Studies: Ethical Issues as a Methodological Challenge”. 25 January 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
Daniela Vintila presented her work on “Social protection entitlements for migrants in the EU” at the Workshop Resurgences of national citizenship in Europe ? Brexit and other restrictions, Manchester.
29.11.2018Daniela Vintila was elected Vice-Chair of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) Research Committee on European Unification (RC03) during the 25th World Congress of Political Science held in Brisbane, Australia.
Daniela Vintila was elected co-convenor of the IMISCOE Standing Committee on Migration, Citizenship and Political Participation (MIGCITPOL) during the IMISCOE Conference held in Barcelona, Spain.
Daniela Vintila was elected member of the Administrative Council of the Belgian Association of Political Science (ABSP).
Daniela Vintila chaired the Section “Evaluating policies of immigrant integration and their outcomes” at the 2018 ECPR Conference, Hamburg, 22-25 August 2018. Jean-Michel Lafleur and Daniela Vintila also chaired the panel “Revisiting the link between migration and social protection in Europe: policy transformations and migrants’ experiences” and presented their work (with Angeliki Konstantinidou) on “Revisiting welfare chauvinism: immigrant social protection regimes and public contestation of mobility in the European Union”.
Daniela Vintila chaired the panels “Brexit and the future of the EU citizenship” and “Migrants’ access to welfare in the European Union” at the 2018 IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Brisbane, 21-25 July 2018. She also presented the papers “The diffusion of the EU model of electoral rights for the direct election of members of supranational parliaments” and “Welfare chauvinism revisited: immigrant social protection regimes and public contestation of mobility in the European Union”.
Angeliki Konstantinidou presented her work on “Political Parties as Gatekeepers of Emigrants’ Social Protection in Four European Countries” at the 2018 IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Brisbane, 21-25 July 2018.
Jean-Michel Lafleur and Daniela Vintila chaired a panel and a workshop on “Protecting diasporas: immigrant social protection and the sending state” at the 2018 IMISCOE Conference in Barcelona, 2-4 July 2018. Daniela Vintila also participated in the Workshops “Social protection through mobility?” and “Further data proliferation or better chances for data integration and sharing?”.
Jean-Michel Lafleur and Daniela Vintila chaired the panel “Migration and transnational social protection: policy changes and migrants’ access to welfare across European democracies” at the 2018 ECPR SGEU Conference, Paris, 13-15 June 2018. Together with Angeliki Konstantinidou, they also presented the paper “Immigrant social protection regimes in the European Union”.
Jean-Michel Lafleur gave a keynote lecture entitled “Welfare policies as migration control” at the German Sociological Association, Migration working group annual conference, Berlin.
Jean-Michel Lafleur presented a paper entitled “Can Diasporas Shape Homeland Health Policies?” at the NORFACE conference “Transnational Social Citizenship in an Age of Uncertainty: Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond” held at Cottbus University, Germany.
Jean-Michel Lafleur, Daniela Vintila and Angeliki Konstantinidou organized the Workshop “Migration and Transnational Social Protection”, 26-27 October & 1st December 2017, Brussels.
Jean-Michel Lafleur presented a paper entitled “The expulsion of undeserving EU migrants in Belgium” at the conference “The reality of free movement for Young European citizens migrating in times of crisis” held at KU Leuven.
Jean-Michel Lafleur, Daniela Vintila and Angeliki Konstantinidou organized the Seminar “Index design and qualitative comparative analysis in migration studies”, 18.09.2017, University of Liege.
Jean-Michel Lafleur, Daniela Vintila and Angeliki Konstantinidou organized the MiTSoPro event “What Future for Immigrant Social Protection in Europe?”, 15.04.2017, Brussels.